
Basipetal conduit widening


(同) tip-to-base conduit widening (類) conduit tapering


  1. Zimmermann MH (1978) Hydraulic architecture of some diffuse-porous trees. Can J Bot 56:2286–2295.
  2. West GB, Brown JH, Enquist BJ (1999) A general model for the structure and allometry of plant vascular systems. Nature 400: 664-667.
  3. Petit et al. (2010) The challenge of tree height in Eucalyptus regnans: when xylem tapering overcomes hydraulic resistance. New Phytologist, 187: 1146–1153
  4. Olson ME, Anfodillo, Gleason, SM, AcCulloh KA (2021) Tip-to-base xylem conduit widening as an adaptation: causes, cosequences, and empirical priorities. New Phytologist, 229: 1877-1893, https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.16961
  • b/basipetal_conduit_widening.txt
  • 最終更新: 2025/01/28 00:13
  • by kyazaki001